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Monday, November 19, 2012

Life of Volume

Apparently we did not really start by learning about volume. Today we actually finished up the surface area because we could not finish during our last class. First we learned the surface area for 5 different shapes using the formulas. The shapes on our worksheet are: cylinder, cone, sphere, prism, and pyramid. They are all different. I am so glad our Professor said we can use the formula sheet on the test and final that she made for us on surface area and volume.  

Then we learned the volume in a fun way. We got to use 4 nets, small plate, scissors, and rice. Then we were paired up with a partner.  The nets we made was for the cylinder,cone, prism, and pyramid.  So I started to cut out each nets and my partner put the tape to make the shape. The base  for all the shapes were opened because that was where we added the rice. With our plate we  poured the rice into the prism and repeat till full.  At last we recorded it and found the ratio. We did the same with the cylinder and cone.  Add the rice into the cone and fill it with rice and repeat till full. Here are the shapes we made but not filled with rice like we did in class. 

Volume Definition-The amount of 3-dimensional space an object occupies.   It's units are always "cubic."

Here is a small video I found to find the volume of a rectangular prism.

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