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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Slide, Flip, Turn & Symmetry

The way kids understand easily is slide, flip and turn. The real way is translation, reflection, and rotation. In the classroom the teacher will teach the right way. What did we do in class today? First our professor showed us three books. The name of one of the book was Sir Circumference and it was a very cute book to read for students.

Second our professor introduced a site that usually all classrooms are subscribed. She showed us a small video and we took a quiz on the site and answered as a class. Then we learned about motion geometry which was fun and a bit challenging. At last we got 3 worksheets on translation, reflection and rotation.

Here are three definitions and pictures.

1)   Translation- Is a formation that slides each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction.

2) Reflection- Is a formation that flips a figure across a line.

3)    Rotation- Is a formation that turns a figure around the point.

4) Symmetry-Is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you flip, slide, or turn.

Here is also a site to play games and learn all about geometry. Click on this!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Blog LEEEN . . i really like it . . . It ll b very usefull . . . Keep it up . .
