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Monday, November 26, 2012

Tessellation & Activity

What is a tessellation? It is a pattern made of identical shapes. Today our professor taught us about what a tessellation is. Usually the shapes must fit together without any gaps and not overlap. It is a great activity for the students to learn. 

Our teacher told us when she was taught eighth grade. She taught about tessellation with the small activity. All students got a piece of white paper and they were supposed to make their shapes and it should cover the whole piece of paper.  

Then she showed us a small video about tessellations. This site has lots of educational games for students so that they learn at the same time.  Here is a small picture of what a tessellation should look like.

After learning about tessellation we had 2 activities using Geogebra.  Based on what we learned during our last class on translation and rotation. This site is a very good study material for students. Finally, we got one more worksheet with the link and the link was made by a teacher using Geogebra. We have to find the corresponding points on a graph. Then we have to  find the x-axis and y-axis and record it in the worksheet and few other questions. 


  1. Leena, this is a great Blog on math education! I usually am not a huge math fan, but this is interesting even for me :-) keep up the good work. I am sure this is helping others online, that are interested in what you wrote about in your content. See my website @ & also please try to leave me a comment.

    1. I totally fun we had a really good teacher. I am not a math fan at all but this class made it fun and interesting your website is so cool. Maybe I should make one haha soon!!!

  2. I had never heard of tessellations, over the summer I participated in a Summer Camp through MCC, and we were working with the gifted children, and we learned about tessellations. I actually made a lizard, like she mentioned in class, and it did tessellate with the rest of the kids! But, I don't ever remember learning this when I was in elementary school, nor junior high. I feel sad I didn't get to learn this because it's so fun!

  3. Hey Leena I really like your blog!
    I loved learning about the tessellations! It was really interesting and it made me want to go try and make one. I had never even heard of them before so I enjoyed learning about them. It also made me want to incorporate them into my future classroom.

  4. Leena, you have an amazing blog! Very insightful and full of great information to learn from. I lvoe learning about tessellations in class. To be honest, I never heard of it until this class..I am a bit upset about it. Thank you for the brief summary and jog down memory lane. I definitely want to teach my kids this in the future. :)

  5. For Ashley, Michaelah, and Nikki,
    I am really glad that you all liked my blog and to be honest I don't think I never learnt about tessellation. Which is very kind of rare. Till our teacher talked about in class. I am glad we learned and its something we can be able to teach for students and will enjoy!! :)
